In 19 the Band had the honor of leading the Newark St. In 1976, the Band was awarded Best Foreign Group Trophy, Jerry DeYoung was the Drum Major. In 1970, the Band was awarded the Mayor’s Trophy, Jerry Kennedy was the Drum Major. at The Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh. is drinking a Gesundheit by Little Dog Brewing Co. The band has completed and won recognition in numerous Pipe Band Competitions and has over the years participated in hundreds of parades, exhibitions and shows. Purchased at The Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh. * Former Pipe Majors still active in the band. FSOS teller flere hundre medlemmer i sitt Old Bridge-kapittel alene. The following have served with distinction as Pipe Major: The Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh er en irsk-amerikansk broderorganisasjon grunnlagt i 1964 av Jack Dunphy og Harry Knox, opprinnelig for å få en irsk gruppe fra Old Bridge, New Jersey til å marsjere i Newark, New Jersey Saint Patricks Day-paraden. The large financial burden of establishing. Credit for supporting the idea of a club Pipe Band and the driving force behind establishing it was our club president, Jack Dunphy.

was the first parade for our Pipe Band, fully outfitted in new uniforms. This band was instructed by George Bell, Piping, and James Cairns, Drumming. The Order Of The Friendly Sons Of The Shillelagh. The original Pipe Band/Club Members that marched This initiative, taken concurrently with building our club house, demonstrated the fine quality of leadership that our club history depicts. NJ Irish American Organization 600 members strong located in Old Bridge,NJ which sponsors 3 additional chapters and promotes Irish Heritage,and strong community envolvement. Sat - 06-18-2022 - Charlie Jones Band The Shillelagh Club Fri - 06-24-2022 - Jersey Shore Shillelagh Golf Outing Fri - 06-24-2022 - The Lance Doss. Menu Hall Rental Friends About Us Event Calendar. The large financial burden of establishing the band, purchasing pipes, drums, and uniforms, and paying for piping and drumming instruction was borne by The Club. The Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh Executive Board Members Only.